Monday, August 24, 2020

My Political Fantasy Pence & Haley 2020

In the election for President this November I will vote for the Republican candidate. I have made this decision because I believe that the Democrat party has become a nihilistic, anarchist, racial grievance party. Putting it into power would be extraordinarily dangerous.

Beyond that I have hated Biden since his attacks on Bork and Thomas in the early 80s.

I will vote for Trump, not out of any admiration or belief in him or the job that he has done, but just because the Democrat party and their candidates are such an incredible threat to the constitution and the health of the republic.

I am absolutely convinced that if they have a majority in the Senate, they will enact measures that will permanently alter the balance of American politics in their favor, such as packing the Supreme Court with young ultra liberals, making Washington DC and Puerto Rico States to give them 4 extra senators, and enacting procedural changes to election conduct to make it impossible to control their frauds*.

I also fear that they will revert to the Obama foreign policy of sucking up to China, Russia, and Iran, that they will sacrifice the national defense budget for social welfare programs, and that they will undermine Israel’s position in the Middle East.

I also want to make it clear, that I do not have any real quarrels with the substance of actions taken by this administration. In particular, I think that the whole China virus epidemic has raised serious questions that are not properly debated and are so far from clarity that it will take years to evaluate what was the right thing to do**. Although, I will not give Trump any style points.

I only know what I see in the media. I don’t want to argue about the validity or meaning of polls. Nor, do I have any useful things to say about election strategy. But … the conventional wisdom is that if this election is a referendum on Donald Trump, he will lose. And, that possibility has me worried sick.

What follows is my fantasy. If you don’t like it, go have your own fantasy.

If Trump is seeing what the vast majority of pundits think is reality, maybe, just maybe, he will decide that he does not want to be humiliated by losing to a moron like Joe Biden and being responsible for the reign of terror that will be inflicted on the Country.

Therefore, on Thursday night, he will begin his acceptance speech by thanking the party for its trust and confidence. He will then say that after much soul searching and discussion with his family, he decided that he must decline the nomination. He feels that he has accomplished most of what he set out to do, but that for the sake of his health and the incredible burden that has been placed upon his family, he has decided that he should step aside. He would be the oldest man to ever begin a term as President and it is just not fair to the Country to have even the slim possibility of a health problem that might interfere with steering the ship of state in very turbulent waters.

He therefor is requesting the unanimous consent of the party to the nomination of Mike Pence as its candidate for President. Mike and he have agreed that the party and the country would best be served by having Ambassador Nikki Haley be the party’s nominee for vice president.

Doing this would entirely reset the election. The media would have a melt down because their obsession with Trump would no longer be the issue. Pence is 17 years younger than Biden. Haley is more experienced than Harris, and she is also the child of Indian immigrants. She is also smarter, younger, and prettier than Harris.

I really doubt that this will happen. I don’t think Trump believes that he can lose. Nor do I think he is willing to sacrifice personal advantage for the well being of the Republican party, of which he was not a member before he ran for President, or to protect the republic. But, it is nice to have a fantasy.

*The Democrat party has lived off of fraud for centuries.

**It will take a long time before we understand the social and economic damage that has been inflicted by lockdowns (e.g. people who died from heart attacks because they afraid to go the hospital, people who slipped into drug addiction because they were lonely and bored) and what the real cost of the virus infection was. As I wrote before, any disease that kills mostly very old people and very few children is probably not that much of a problem.

"Biden’s Lockdown Mistake: A President’s job is to consider the national interest, not to default to experts who often disagree." By The Editorial Board | Aug. 23, 2020 |

"The truth is that the experts have been wrong numerous times in this pandemic, and they often disagree. They first said masks don’t help but now say they do. They said ventilators were vital but soon learned other clinical methods worked better. Most of all, they counseled strict lockdowns, but we’ve learned the hard way that shutting down the country can be more costly than the virus. ...

"A study this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that newly identified cancers fell 46.4% from March 1 to April 18, which will likely lead to cancers detected at more advanced stages with worse clinical outcomes.

"Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic last month reported the incidence of stress-induced cardiomyopathy from March 1 to April 30 increased four-fold. Doctors at Tufts Medical Center last month warned that psychological distress, fear and emotional stress, “coupled with worse clinical outcomes when patients avoid seeking effective care, creates a double hit from this pandemic in which morbidity and mortality associated with cardiac disease might well overtake the risks directly linked to the virus itself.”

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week reported that 13.3% of Americans in June said they had increased substance use to cope with pandemic-related stress. About half of those ages 18 to 24 reported severe anxiety and depression, and a quarter said they had seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days.

"People being cooped up at home for long periods amid enormous stress has also led to an increase in domestic violence. A new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston reports a spike in injuries indicative of domestic abuse, especially severe injuries from strangulation and use of weapons, from March 11 to May 3."

Just a note here for those of you who feel that you don’t want to vote for Trump: Please believe me when I tell you that electing the Democrats will harm this country. If you can’t vote for Trump and you live in a swing state, please have the decency to stay home. Those of you who live in NY or CA, your vote does not count, and I do not care what you do with it.