Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Maybe the Kids Will Listen to the Music

I really liked a couple of lines out of Quinn Hillyer's scream of despair over the attraction of young people to the candidacy of socialist fossil Bernie Sanders. I have quoted them below. But I think some Classic Rock anthems that warn against the delusions of revolutions might get through to them. They are linked below. Share them with any Bernie Bros you meet.

The dangerous delusions of Bernie’s brigades
Upon seeing the way young voters flock to Bernie Sanders, the temptation is to grab them all by the shoulders, shake them until they think they’ve been in an earthquake, and demand proof that they actually have brains.

To support an avowed socialist like the Vermont senator is to be historically illiterate — indeed, willfully ignorant on that front — and arithmetically inept to boot. Sanders and his agenda are a spasm of self-deluding fantasy, a phantasmagorical utopia utterly unmoored from reality. It’s a bad political acid trip, a daft dream descending into a nihilistic nightmare.

At some point, adults should be expected to think and act like adults. Adults exercising citizenship rights should do the basic five minutes of research necessary to discover that socialism hasn’t, doesn’t, and cannot work. Plus, basic common sense and simple math expose Sanders’s promises as nonsense of the 2+2=95 variety.

* * *

All the evidence suggests that a Sanders presidency would be not just deluded, but dangerous to American prosperity and freedom. Yet here he is, leading the Democratic pack on a wave of support from voters aged 44 and younger. Even in a multicandidate field in New Hampshire, for example, he received more than half of the votes from those between 18 and 29, and a field-leading 36% of those aged 30 to 44. 
One would ask what these young voters are thinking, but the obvious answer is that they are not thinking at all. Their electoral emanations are inexcusably irresponsible. Sanders’s supporters need to get real and abandon his “revolution” to the same pathetic fate as Leonid Brezhnev’s late, unlamented Soviet prison state.
Street Fighting Man · The Rolling Stones

Revolution · The Beatles

Won't Get Fooled Again · The Who

Only A Fool Would Say That · Steely Dan